Wife wife to work wife

Callie: The Chief's your work-husband and you're his work-wife. You look our for each other, you take care of each other, there's nothing wrong with it, it's like me and Sloan.
Mark: Excuse me?
Callie: Nobody's talking to you. He's my work-husband but he has a girlfriend, I have a girlfriend, but nothing going on between us.
Mark: I mean, there was at one point...
Callie: You're not helping.
Bailey: Neither one of you are helping. Adele, I promise you there is nothing going on.
Adele: Something is going on because he hasn't been in his bed all week.
Bailey: What?
Mark: Really?
Adele: The last time he acted like this, disappearing, sleeping at the hospital every night, he was with Ellis Grey. He may not be having an affair with you.
Bailey: He's not, I promise you. I promise you, he's not.
Adele: Okay. But wife-wife to work-wife, someone in this hospital is sleeping with our husband...
Helt klart den roligaste scenen med Adele Webber.
(Jag ber om ursäkt att ni inte får se scenen, ska fixa den så fort jag kan)